Wednesday, March 30, 2011


A very rare and exuberant opportunity was given to the students of KVS to pay homage to the legendary, charismatic figure and noble laureate Sri Rabindranath Tagore.

The response was overwhelming and more than 65% of the Vidyalayas in Hyderabad Region participated in the competition under the aegis Sri S Selvaraj, Assistant Commissioner and Sri Sambanna, E.O, KVS. Hyderabad Region. The judicious judgment was done at KV Steel Plant, Visakhapatnam under the guidance of Regional co-ordinator ,Smt. Radha Mahalakshmi. Principal KV Steel Plant, Vishakapatnam. This project gave an opportunity not only to the students but also to the teachers to have an insight into the great patriot and celebrity, Sri Rabindranath Tagore who was the greatest ambassador of Indian Culture and Heritage of all times. 

Smt Radhamahalakshmi, Regional Co-Ordinator, brought about awareness in the Principals of Hyderabad Region in the Principal’s Conference. Since then there was hectic preparation with in the region by all schools. All the schools of KVS  Hyderabad Region took it up on war footing. Despite the busy schedules, the teachers and the students got involved in research and collection of data on Tagore with competitive spirit. Students started posting queries to all Regional Co-Coordinators of Group A, B and C as and when they got entangled in the uploading of information on Tagore. Besides being serious about the project, children thoroughly enjoyed getting an insight into Tagore. This in fact inculcated reading habit in many students who were stuck to television and  computer games in  these days.

The teachers also were exhilarated as this brought about a change in their mundane routine. This brought about relaxation from their regular/ routine life as the topic was so interesting on our gurudev. It dispelled the misconception that class room learning is only true learning and a child can never learn by any other means. This project proved that on line digital projects can make a difference and child can learn at ease, at his own pace, at leisure as per his interest.

Apart from the essays, book reviews, powerpoint   presentations, KV,Steel Plant, Visakhapatnam had the privilege of preparing a skit on Cabuliwallah. The extraordinary talents of the students were brought to the fore depicting Tagore’s idea that “the most important lesson that man can learn from his life is not that there is pain in this world, but that it depends upon him to turn it into good account, that it is possible for him to transmute it into joy.”
The pencil sketches and paintings on Tagore added to the connoisseur’s eyes on think quest platform. Each student expressed their love towards  GURUDEV in different ways.

While on the job as judge for group –A ,Smt. A Sujatha Devi, PGT(English), KV Steel Plant Visakhapatnam said that endeavor on the part of the students and teachers made it evident that techonology has seeped into the blood stream of every one and once people start using it, it becomes an addiction. She was very happy about this exercise that they had undergone as she got a rare opportunity to once again enjoy Tegore’s works.

Ms. Soujanya Singh, judge  & PGT(Eng.), KV 2, Nausanabagh, Visakhapatnam spoke on this occasion. She was overjoyed at the response of the students and their involvement in such a challenging project.
 Mr. Ravi Kumar, Regional co-ordinator Group-B & TGT(W.E), KV, ONGC, Rajmundry and Dr. Tyaga Raj, Regional co-ordinator Group-C KV 2, Sri Vijaya Nagar said that it gave them great satisfaction to act as Co-ordinators  in guiding the teachers who strived hard to evaluate the entries.
             This project enabled students to use technology and enrich their potential by expressing their creative talent  .The work shop on THINKQUEST judgement enhanced the appreciation and love for Tagore which has become a household name now. Thanks to KVS and Think Quest. Indeed ‘Oracle’ through Think Quest opened the treasury of  the ‘Pandora’s Box’-to give an insight into Rabindranath Tagore as the true ‘Renaissance Man’. Let us hope that many more such opportunities will be created for us to pay our respect to such great leaders.

Group -B judges

group-A  judges
group-c judges

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